Tuesday, September 30, 2008

so now what?

I'm a slacker, the ultimate procrastinator.
There, I said it. So now what?

Here's the real problem:
The real problem isn't the 32 loads of laundry or the unfinished Christmas cards from last year I found in my bottom kitchen drawer. The problem is that I waited until the last minute to tell someone how I feel about that person. The problem it is not that I can not speak my mind, or that I'm to shy (If you know me, you know that's not the issue).
But what happens when ultimate procrastination meets borderline mid-life crisis? You easily get confused with your priorities, you get so overwhelmed with the decisions, even the small daily decisions that you end up not making any decision.
If you are still reading this (first of all, thank you for attention). You probably know you think where I am going with all this.

So, is it the mid-life crisis responsible for the procrastination? Or the other way around? Either way, it feels good to let it out of my head in to this lines.

And if you need to know, yes it took me almost 4 weeks to finally decide to finish this post.


fairest blonde said...

Procrastination happens to the best of us! It's sometimes not even something we recognize until we're too far gone. Priorities are never easy to prioritize (is that right?), which (obviously) leads to frustration and overwhelm.
Here's the good news: admitting is the first step! :)
I'm happy you allowed your thoughts onto the web. Do it more often!
And I'd be happy to do your laundry for a nominal fee....

JT said...

Fredo -- you pose a provoking question.

I thought I'd go someplace quiet to meditate on it -- a church, perhaps? -- but upon arrival, I found that the Sunday services at Our Lady of Perpetual Procrastination had been postponed.


On a more serious note, procrastination is life's way of waiting until things get in sync. When the time is right, you'll know it.

xo JT