Saturday, November 22, 2008

Can I please?

Can I please buy some more time, please?
Can I get extra love to give you now, yesterday?
Can I buy some more time, please?
Let me give you all of me now and yesterday
Before is too late and you decide to leave, today.

Always in my heart hijo mio.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Carta a un hijo

Hijo Mio,
Estas palabras son mas para mi que para nadie mas, pues no me atrevo ni siquiera a pedirte que pongas tus ojos en mis palabras escritas, estas palabras que tratan de explicar a mi corazón porque ya no estas y porque decidiste irte. Se que tu corazón siempre fue generoso y bueno, que aunque estabas lleno de pena y desolación, nunca recibí nada malo de tu parte, solo recibí de ti cariño, tu sentido del humor y tu abrazo sincero.
 Rezo por que tu alma encuentre la paz que no pudiste encontrar entre nosotros, que donde te encuentras puedas ahora sonreír por dentro como por fuera. Es difícil para mi escapar del “hubiera” pues es tanto el dolor que siento que no puedo evitar pensar que es lo que hubiera hecho para acercarme mas a ti, querido hijo. Nos dejas un inmenso vacío hijo, pero en la promesa de Dios, mi intención es celebrar tu vida, tu sonrisa y tu inevitablemente complejo y humano sentido del humor.

Siempre en mi corazón
Tío Juan Alfredo

Letter to my son

Dear Son,

 I can not even dare to ask you to read this letter, so this letter is more for me than for anyone else, there are just words that merely try to explain to my heart why you are not here and why you decided to leave. I know your heart was always generous and kind and even though you were filled with sadness and solitude, I never received any unkindness from you, I only received your love, tenderness; I was lucky enough to experience your warm embrace and sense of humor.

I pray your soul finds the peace you couldn't find here with us, that where you are now, you can smile from the inside as well as from the outside. It is almost inevitable for me while writing this words, to escape the thoughts of many things “I should have” done to become closer to you. I know it’s the pain talking right now, the immense pain, emptiness and darkness we all feel right now, that we failed you as parents and as friends. But in God’s promise my intention is to celebrate your life, your internal smile and humanity and your unavoidably complex sense of humor.

Always in my heart

Tio Juan Alfredo